Documentation info

The EEG Lab documentation is contained in the kcni-eeg-lab/doc folder of this repo.

A subset of the pages in this folder are included in the official documentation website. This is a sphinx-based website that auto-built on every new PR using github’s continuous integration functionality, and served from the is hosted on the gh-pages branch of this repo.

If you are interested: the CI process is fully specified by the presence of this .yml file. The gh-pages website functionality also needs to be enabled in the repo’s settings.

So, following a commit you will see any changes to the docs pages in typically ~20 seconds.

Any pages to be included in the docs site need to be specified in doc/index.rst.

This setup allows us to maintain both ‘rough’ and ‘polished’ documentation, without conflict.

To add a docs page:

  • Create the file in the doc folder (e.g. kcni-eeg-lab/doc/

  • If you want this file to appear on the site, edit the kcni-eeg-lab/doc/index.rst file accordingly

If you have admin access on the repo, the easiest way to do this is usually using the github browser-based text editor.

Currently the contents of the doc folder is ‘flat’; i.e. there are no subfolders. As the documentation builds out, we can add in subfolder structure from there, but in general it is a lot simpler and more transparent to keep a flat folder structure for as long as sustainable.